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Kale, Dino (Aylmer, ON) - 1 Bunch

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Large palm tree-like fronds are a characteristic of Dino kale or Black kale. They grow from a sturdy central stalk, and are smallest at the top gradually growing in size towards the base. 

Low in calories, Black kale offers vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, and potassium. It is said Black kale stimulates the immune system and can help in preventing certain types of cancer. Juiced Black kale is claimed to be helpful for arthritis, gastric ulcers, depression, and gout.

Black kale is especially tender when young and often used as a salad green in mesclun mixes. The fully mature leaves are best when cooked, but require minimal cooking when compared to other kale varieties as the central rib not as as fibrous. Black kale may be steamed, braised, stewed, fried, sautéed, juiced and even baked like a chip. It is well complemented by combination of garlic, sesame, soy sauce and ginger. It is also great in hardy soups which contain smoked meats, potatoes, beans or barley. Other flavor affinities include, bay leaf, oregano, thyme, red pepper flake, nutmeg, shallots, onion, tomato, sweet potatoes, cheddar cheese, Parmesan, cream, roasted meats, chorizo sausage, pancetta and chicken.

If you want to keep the fresh kale in a bunch, do not wash it. Simply wrap it in a kitchen towel (or a few sheets of paper towels) and place it in a plastic storage bag. Change the paper towels every few days until you are ready to use the kale.
Reimer Family Farm (Aylmer, ON)

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