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Yogurt - 1kg *SHORT DATE: Mar. 17*

$7.49 $6.49

From St. Eugune, Ontario, Pinehedge Farms Yogurt has a taste and texture you won't find in any other commercially available yogourt. Unlike other brands, it doesn't contain powdered milk solids, artificial flavouring, sweeteners, pectin, or any other additive! Pinehedge Farms Yogurt is made with active bacterial cultures and milk in its purest form - organic whole milk. And that's it. There is a $1 deposit on the glass jar. We are now moving to online jar return refunds. If you have any Pinehedge jars to return, add a Pinehedge Yogurt/Kefir Jar Return to your order. This will discount your order by $1. Please ensure that you have washed out any jars you are returning.

Sometimes spelled: Yogourt
Pinehedge Farms (St. Eugene, ON)

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