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Grass Fed Organic Kefir (MC) - 1kg


From M-C Dairy: "We are also very proud of the fact that all of our products, whether cheeses or cultured milks, are made from 100% Canadian farm fresh milk (and not imported "milk ingredients") and we use live bacterial cultures. Studies have shown that our live bacterial cultures are essential for gastrointestinal health and help alleviate many health issues. At M-C Dairy we have had a very special relationship with our customers since 1905. It's a trust based on our understanding that what we craft becomes a part of other human beings' bodies. That is why we do not add any chemicals into our dairy products and why we only use pure and natural ingredients. At M-C Dairy we know that when a mother buys our cottage and cream cheese, kefir, lassi or laban for her children we are helping the mother to nourish and grow healthy young bodies. As well, our bacteria cultured milks and cheeses are not just nutritious and healthy, we also strive to make them the best in taste in the market.
M-C Dairy (Etobicoke, ON)

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