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Garlic Scapes (Aylmer, ON) - 1 Bunch

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Garlic Scapes are distinguished by their lengthy, smooth, and solid green stems. Scapes can be long and straight or coiled and bent at various points along the length of the stem. 

Similar to garlic, Scapes contain antioxidants and sulfur compounds which have been shown to help support cardiovascular and daily overall health.

Garlic Scapes can be used both as a vegetable and an herb in raw and cooked preparations. They can be grilled, roasted, sautéed, chopped, and added to soups or pureed into sauces. When grilling, try tying the scape in a knot before cooking to make it easier to flip with tongs. Cooking Scapes will mellow the flavor and impart a sweet undertone. They work well in flavor infusion recipes such as compound butter, hummus, and fresh pesto and are ideal for pickling and preserving for future seasons. Pair with other vegetables that are in season in late spring such as artichokes, spring peas, fava beans, morel mushrooms, early summer squash, new potatoes, radishes, and citrus. Scapes also compliment flavors of eggs, olive oil, duck fat, bacon, garlic, pine nuts, white beans, lemon juice, arugula, sea salt, robust cheeses, and fresh herbs such as basil, oregano, and parsley.

Garlic Scapes will keep up to three weeks when stored in a paper bag or wrapped in paper towel in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

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