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Limes (CA/Mex) - 1LB


Add the necessary zip to your guac!

Limes are small in size and are globular to oblong in shape.

Limes are an excellent source of vitamin C as well as a good source of dietary fiber. They also contain minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, copper, magnesium, and phosphorus. Both the rind and the pulp contain phytochemical polyphenols and terpenes, specifically limonene, which gives the fruit its citrusy aroma. The volatile oils extracted from the peel are used in aromatherapy, skin products, and in perfumes.

Add the necessary zip to your guac, add the final touch to your Cuba Libre, or spritz over your Pad Thai. Limes add a distinctive citrus splash to many many delicious things.

The fruits will keep 1-2 weeks when stored at room temperature and 3-4 weeks when stored in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.

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