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Radish, Watermelon (New Hamburg, ON) - 1lb.


Radically Ravishing Raw Radish!

Watermelon radishes are a small to medium-size varietal, averaging 5 to 8 centimeters in diameter, and have a round to oval appearance with a single hairy taproot extending from the root’s base.

Watermelon radishes are an excellent source of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation, and boost collagen production within the skin. The roots are also a good source of calcium to build strong bones and teeth, potassium to balance fluid levels, vitamin A to maintain healthy organ functioning, and contain lower amounts of phosphorus, copper, magnesium, vitamin K, zinc, and folate.

Watermelon radishes have a mild, subtly sweet, and peppery flavor well suited for fresh and cooked preparations. The radishes can be consumed with or without the skin, depending on preference and recipe, but it is important to note that the skin and outer layers of the flesh are generally the spiciest part of the root. Some recipes have noted soaking radishes in ice water for twenty minutes to reduce the peppery nuances. Watermelon radishes are favored as a salad ingredient to showcase their bright coloring and are added to grain bowls, charcuterie boards, or shredded into slaws.

Whole, unwashed Watermelon radishes will keep for a couple of weeks when stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator’s crisper drawer.

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