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Kiwi, Green (CA) - 1lb.

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About the size of an egg, kiwifruit is wrapped in a russet-brown thin skin with short rather stiff hairs. 

Kiwifruit is rich in vitamin C, having ten times more than the equal weight of a lemon. Two fruits have almost twice the vitamin C of an orange and more potassium than a comparable serving of bananas. High in fiber, it also offers vitamin A, Vitamin E, calcium and iron. Credit goes to all those little black seeds, as they act much like grains, providing lots of nutrition. Eat them whole, peeled or unpeeled as is your preference. A word of advice though, kiwis contain enzymes with the ability to tenderize other food, so if you're adding them to a fruit salad, do so right before serving.

To store, refrigerate ripe fruit up to ten days. Refrigerated unripe fruit lasts up to one month.

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