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Corn, Sweet (Aylmer, ON) - *First-of-the-Season* - Quantity: 3 Cobs

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Sweet corn has an elongated, cylindrical shape, averaging 18 to 22 centimeters in length, and is encased in layers of dark to light green husks with thin, pale yellow fibers known as silks.

Sweet corn is an excellent source of folate, which is a type of B-vitamin that assists in healthy cell functioning and is a good source of dietary fiber to help stimulate digestion. The corn also contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, and provides some vitamin A, potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese, and iron.

Sweet corn is versatile and best suited for both raw and cooked applications. When fresh, the kernels can be cut away from the cob and added to potato, green, or pasta salads, or tossed with other raw summer vegetables and herbs as a simple corn salad. Sweet corn can also be used as a topping for tacos, stirred into salsas, stuffed into tomatoes, incorporated into rice and grain bowls, or used as a garnish for cold soups. In addition to fresh applications, Sweet corn is well-suited for roasting, grilling, steaming, and boiling. The cobs can be grilled and served as a side dish, coated in cheeses, herb butter, and sauces, or they can be charred and mixed with roasted meats and vegetables. Sweet corn can also be baked into muffins and bread, heated into a custard, fried into fritters, or cooked into casseroles. Sweet corn pairs well with cheeses such as parmesan, cotija, and cheddar, legumes, herbs such as mint, cilantro, and basil, red onions, tomatoes, avocado, arugula, and meats such as pork, beef, and poultry.

It is recommended to use Sweet corn immediately after purchase for the best quality and flavor. Whole corn ears can be tightly wrapped or stored in a sealed container for up to three days in the refrigerator. Sweet corn can also be frozen for extended use.
Reimer Family Farm (Aylmer, ON)

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