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Beets, Gold (New Hamburg, ON) - 1 bunch

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Baby Gold beets are harvested young for their edible roots, stems and leaves.

The Gold beet, Beta vulgaris, is a root vegetable and member of the Chenopodiaceae family. There are several varieties of Gold beets, however not all Gold beet varieties produce the same quality beet. The "Touchstone Gold" is one of the choice varieties of beets that is produced on a commercial-level scale. Baby Gold beets are cultivated as a table beet, though they do contain betaxanthin pigments which could serve as food coloring.

Baby Gold beets should be steamed or roasted to bring out their beast flavor and texture. Their smaller size will shorten required cooking time. The skin is easily peeled once cooked. Gold beets can be used to replace Red beets in any given beet recipe. Gold beets pair well with citrus, especially tangerines and lemons, butter lettuce, parsley, chives, tarragon, cumin, bacon, buttermilk, creme fraiche, smoked fish, cheeses such as chèvre and gorgonzola, walnuts, hazelnuts and wine vinegars such as champagne and red wine.

Gold beets are a great salad and soup beet and they can be preserved by pickling them with the use of a basic pickling recipe. Beet greens can be used for salads or as a pot herb

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