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2% Milk - 1L Bottle
Zero-Waste Program:
Jar/Bottle Deposit Will Be Added To Cart
We are now moving to online jar/bottle return refunds. If you have any Harmony Milk/Cream bottles to return, add a Milk Bottle Return to your order. This will discount your order total by $2. Please ensure you have washed out any bottles that you are returning.Please Note: when working with local dairy providers and when attempting to reduce as much wasted product as possible, we order milk and cream products as close to the deliveries going out as possible. If you plan on ordering 6 or more bottles of milk or cream, we ask you please try to do so before Monday of your delivery week. Thank you for understanding. You can feel good about picking up a bottle of Harmony Organic's Premium 2% Organic Milk.Not only does it have that farm fresh taste, this product comes to you from cows treated with love and respect. It is packaged in an environmentally-friendly returnable glass bottle to be cleaned and refilled.Ingredients: partly skimmed organic milk, vitamin A palmitate, vitamin D3.We feel the name Harmony Organic describes our philosophies and management styles as each of our 14 family farm producasers are committed to working in harmony with nature. All Harmony Organic farms are certified organic and exceed the required organic standards set forth by the Canadian Government. For a farm to obtain organic certification no synthetic fertilizers or chemicals are to be used on the farm for at least three years prior to certification. After this time the cows must only be fed organic feed for another twelve months before their milk can be marketed as organic. You may notice that the taste of our products change slightly throughout the year. This is caused by changes to the menu offered to the cows. The most noticeable change is likely to occur in spring when the cows are first out on fresh grass. Looking for a different variety from Harmony Dairy?
Hewitt's Dairy (Hagersville, ON)