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Plums, Blue (Aylmer, ON) - 1.5L Basket


Plum or not plum?

Plums are small to medium-sized stone fruits, averaging 2 to 7 centimeters in diameter, and have a round, oval, ovate, to cordate shape with a prominent suture line extending from the stem’s cavity to the Plum’s base. 

Plums are rich in antioxidants that protect the cells against free radical damage and are a good source of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, calcium to build bones and teeth, fiber to regulate the digestive tract, and potassium to balance fluid levels in the body. The fruits are also a source of vitamin K to faster wound healing, vitamin A to maintain healthy organ functioning, and contain lower amounts of copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Plums are a versatile culinary ingredient well suited for fresh, cooked, and preserved preparations. The fruits can be eaten straight, out of hand, and the thin skin can be left intact or peeled before consumption. Plums have a sweet-tart flavor that complements both sweet and savory dishes, and the flesh can be sliced into green salads, layered onto toast, chopped into grain bowls, or used as a fresh topping over pancakes, waffles, crepes, and ice cream. The fruits can also be combined into bread or blended into smoothies, shakes, and fruit juices. In Eastern Europe, Plums are popularly fermented into plum wine and are also mashed and used to make a brandy known as Slivovitz, a beverage commonly consumed during Passover. In addition to fresh preparations, Plums are frequently incorporated into desserts, including cakes, tarts, pies, and crumbles, simmered into jams, jellies, and chutney, or cooked as a natural sweetener in sauces such as barbeque and teriyaki. Plums are also stewed and roasted, and dark purple fruits will contribute a dark red-purple hue to dishes. The fruits can be poached in syrup as a healthy dessert or are grilled and served with soft cheeses as a savory appetizer. Plums pair well with meats such as lamb, poultry, or pork, fruits including peaches, nectarines, citrus, cherries, and figs, aged and fresh cheeses, cinnamon, anise, chocolate, almonds, and pistachios.

Whole, unwashed Plums should be stored at room temperature to ripen. Once ripe, the fruits can be stored for one week when wrapped in plastic and kept in the refrigerator. Plums can also be frozen for 6 to 12 months or dried for extended use.

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